First Middle-Mile grant project ready to serve Fall Branch
Broadband UpdatesJOHNSON CITY -- BrightRidge Broadband has placed the first of four new fiber network cabinets in service in Fall Branch, providing high-speed broadband under a Tennessee Middle-Mile Broadband grant project to serve 122 customers that lack broadband.

Broadband Q3 2024 Status Update
Broadband UpdatesBrightRidge’s Tennessee ECD grant application was approved to extend broadband to unserved areas
BrightRidge Broadband’s Middle Mile broadband grant application has been approved by the Tennessee Department of Economic & Community…

Broadband Q2 2024 Status Update
Broadband UpdatesAre you missing out on Next Generation Internet?
Broadband Equity Access and Deployment Program (BEAD) grant
The federal government (NTIA) is providing $813 million to the State of Tennessee to ensure that every American home has access…

Broadband Q1 2024 Status Update
Broadband UpdatesIn January 2023, BrightRidge celebrated adding our 10,000th Broadband customer. We have now connected more than 14,000 households/ businesses and continue to experience extremely high demand for our products. If you read our Google Business…

Broadband Q4 2023 Status Update
Broadband UpdatesWe are connecting our 13,000th customer this month! How? By offering far more for much less out of your pocket each month!
BrightRidge Broadband, home of no-contract, no limits, next generation internet now serves almost 40,000 of your individual…

Broadband Q3 2023 Status Update
Broadband UpdatesIt was only in January that BrightRidge celebrated adding our 10,000th Broadband customer, and then in April we surpassed our 11,000th customer. Now we are connecting our 12,000th household this month (July 2023) with continued growth expected…

Broadband Q2 2023 Status Update
Broadband UpdatesIt was only in late January that BrightRidge celebrated adding our 10,000th Broadband customer, and now we are connecting our 11,000th household in April! If you made the move already, thank you for trusting us to be your provider of choice.…

Broadband Reaches 10,000 Customers
Broadband UpdatesBrightRidge Broadband celebrates adding our 10,000th customer this month!
Thank you for trusting us to be your provider of choice. We are excited to see that BrightRidge Broadband was recently recognized as the winner of the Johnson City Press’…